TanzaniaTiger Fishing Adventure
Tiger Fishing Adventure
Tanzanian Tigerfish Adventures has a concession for fishing of 100km on the Kilombero and Ulanga rivers in the Selous Game Reserve. Large tiger fish occur in these rivers and numerous happy clients have enjoyed fishing these rivers in the pristine environment in the presence of numerous game and lush riverine forest and savannah vegetation. Other fish species such as vundu, tilapia and rhino fish assist to make your safari a complete and memorable one.

TanzaniaTiger Fishing Adventure
The Camp And Facilities
There are two camps located in the pristine Selous Game Reserve on the scenic Ulanga River where the fishing will commence. Fishing can be done from both camps.
The views from camps cannot be described and words like magic, majestic, marvellous and superb can never do justice to the beauty of the setting. Vegetation constitutes large trees in the riverine forest and occasional baobab trees enhance the landscape.
Mkwaju Camp (Main camp) consists of 4 large safari tents with en-suite ablution facilities sporting both hot and cold water. Meals are provided in a thatch-roofed dining area facing the Ulanga River.
Njege camp consists of 4 large dome tents with two bathrooms with warm and cold running water at the back of the tents.
Well trained staff are dedicated to making your visit unforgettable. Laundry is conducted on a daily basis. An able Chef is responsible for a range of excellent cuisine including dinner and breakfast with a packed lunch for consumption either in camp or in some scenic area along the river.
Cold beers abound in camp and form a barrier against dehydration, especially in the late afternoons.

Tanzania Tiger Fishing
Robert Ardrey (1961) wrote in the introduction of his book “African Genesis”: “The home of our fathers was that African highlands reaching north from the Cape to the lakes of the Nile. Here we came about –slowly, ever so slowly– on a sky-swept savannah glowing with menace.
Daily Schedule
Five and a half days will be dedicated to fishing. Many different fishing localities will be visited, be sure to bring the correct fishing tackle (inquire with the company prior to departure)
Some fishing will be conducted from the river banks while rapids will also provide exciting angling.
Boats (aluminium boats for the larger areas of the river and large inflatable’s for the rapids) are available to navigate across the river and to visit some exotic fishing localities.
You will be accompanied by experienced guides to assist when needed. Tigerfish can be photographed and will then be released to ensure a healthy population of large tigers.
Large vundu and rhino fish are also released and vundu of more than 80 pounds has been caught.
The fishing localities are rotated regularly to ensure the survival and prevent overfishing of all fish species.

Tanzania Tiger Fishing
Theodore Roosevelt (1910) wrote in his book “African Game Trails”: “But there are no words that can tell the hidden spirit of the wilderness, that can reveal its mystery, its melancholy and its charm.
There is a delight in the hardy life of the open, in long rides rifle in hand, in the thrill of the fight with dangerous game.
Apart from this yet mingled with it, is the strong attraction of the silent places, of the large tropical moons, and the splendour of the new stars; where the wanderer sees the awful glory of sunrise and sunset in the wide waste spaces of the earth, unworn of man, and changed only by the slow changes of the ages, through time everlasting.”